RICS Surveys
Explore our comprehensive guide below to understand the key characteristics of RICS Surveys, assisting you in selecting the most suitable report for your needs. If you have queries, need guidance in making your choice, or wish to receive a quote for our services, our approachable team is here to assist you. Contact us to obtain a complimentary quote from our skilled surveyors right away.

RICS Home Survey Level 2 (Survey)
This level of service is for clients who are seeking a professional opinion at an economic price. The focus is on assessing the general condition of the main elements of a property. This level of service suits a broader range of conventionally built properties.
RICS Home Survey Level 2 (Survey and Valuation)
In addition to the RICS Home Survey Level 2 features the Survey & Valuation includes a professional opinion on the ‘market value’ of the property, insurance reinstatement figure and considerations that may affect the value of the property.
RICS Home Survey Level 3
This level of service is for clients who are seeking a professional opinion based on a detailed assessment of the property. This level of service will suit any domestic residential property in any condition.

RICS Home Survey Level 2 (Survey)
The RICS Home Survey Level 2 (Survey), formerly recognised as the RICS HomeBuyer Report, is an intermediate survey undertaken by a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) professional. This survey is apt for a wide array of UK properties, offering a standardised format and straightforward language devoid of jargon, aiding buyers in comprehending any structural issues that exist.
The Service
The RICS Home Survey – Level 2 service includes:
a physical inspection of the property
a report based on the inspection
The Inspection
The surveyor inspects the inside and outside of the main building and all permanent outbuildings, recording the construction and significant visible defects that are evident. This inspection is intended to cover as much of the property as is physically accessible.
Service Aims
The service aims to give you professional advice to:
make an informed decision on whether to go ahead with buying the property
take into account any repairs or replacements the property needs, and
consider what further advice you should take before committing to purchasing the property
The Report
The report objectively describes the condition of the elements and provides an assessment of the relative importance of the defects/problems. Although it is concise, the RICS Home Survey – Level 2 (survey only) does include advice about repairs or any ongoing maintenance issues.
Click the PDF Image to download the RICS
Description of the RICS Home Survey –
Level 2 (survey only)
RICS Home Survey Level 2
(Survey & Valuation)
In addition to the RICS Home Survey Level 2 (Survey) the Survey & Valuation, includes a valuation, which is part of the report undertaken by a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) professional. The report focuses on matters that, in the surveyor’s opinion, may affect the value of the property if they are not addressed.
The Service
The RICS Home Survey – Level 2 (survey and valuation) service includes:
a physical inspection of the property
a report based on the inspection and
a valuation, which is part of the report
The Inspection
The surveyor inspects the inside and outside of the main building and all permanent outbuildings, recording the construction and significant visible defects that are evident. This inspection is intended to cover as much of the property a s is physically accessible.
Service Aims
The surveyor aims to give you professional advice to help you to:
make an informed decision on whether to go ahead with buying the property
make an informed decision on what is a reasonable price to pay for the property
take into account any repairs or replacements the property needs, and
consider what further advice you should take before committing to purchasing property.
The Report
The report focuses on matters that, in the surveyor’s opinion, may affect the value of the property if they are not addressed.
The report objectively describes the condition of the elements and provides an assessment of the relative importance of the defects/problems.

Click the PDF Image to download the RICS
Description of the RICS Home Survey –
Level 2 (survey and valuation)

RICS Home Survey Level 3
This level of service is for clients who are seeking a professional opinion based on a detailed assessment of the property. The service consists of a detailed visual inspection of the building, its services and the grounds and is more extensive than a survey level two. The report objectively describes the form of construction and materials used for different parts of the property. It describes the condition and provides an assessment of the relative importance of the defects/problems.
The Service
The RICS Home Survey – Level 3 service includes:
a thorough inspection of the property, and
a detailed report based on the inspection.
The Inspection
The surveyor carefully and thoroughly inspects the inside and outside of the main building and all permanent outbuildings, recording the construction and defects that are evident. This inspection is intended to cover as much of the property as is physically accessible.
Service Aims
The surveyor aims to give you professional advice to:
help you make a reasoned and informed decision when purchasing the property, or when planning for repairs, maintenance or upgrading the property
provide detailed advice on condition
describe the identifiable risk of potential or hidden defects
propose the most probable cause(s) of the defects based on the inspection and
where practicable and agreed, provide an estimate of costs and likely timescale for identified repairs and necessary work.
The Report
The report is aimed at providing you with a detailed understanding of the condition of the property to allow you to make an informed decision on serious or urgent repairs, and on the maintenance of a wide range of reported issues.
Click the PDF Image to download the RICS
Description of the RICS Home Survey – Level 3